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A Prophecy to Fulfill....

  • Ten to seek the thirteen lost,
    With thirteen found, seek the true one,
    With one true, unite the many,
    Many united will destroy the foe.

Enemies to Defeat....

  • The Southlands of Prydein have been invaded by a dark force from over seas. They have their own series of agenda's, their own dreams and goals and will stop at nothing to achieve them.
  • Join either as one of the Islesfolk who are seeking to gain back their freedom...or as one of the invaders themselves.

Treasure to Find....

  • Both sides of the battling forces seek artifacts to aid them. Can you help in their quests?


Introducing The Isles of Prydein

Hello and Welcome to My Game Website.

The Isles of Prydein game is based on TSR's 2nd edition AD&D ruleset. It is a roleplaying game very loosely based on what is commonly referred to a "Dark Age" Britain. Named because once there was a lack of historical evidence for what went on in those times. A time when Rome had with drawn from our shores and we were constantly being invaded by one foreign tribe or another who were at one time considerd little more than barbarians. It was also a time of religeous change. The old gods and their religions were being swept away by the coming of the a new god as Christian missionaries landed on our shores, seeking to convert all they met by word or by sword. It was also a time of Heroes. This was the time of the original tales of Arthur. Who he was, if he exisited at all has fascinated writers for hundred's of years and his tales have enthralled me from an early age. Of course, we now have a better understanding of those times from recent archaeological evidence and I have endevoured to use that where possible.

Throwing all the above things into a fantasy based game seemed logical to me. Of course certain liberties have to be taken. For a start in the game, other races such as dwarves, elves etc are a fact as are "monster races". I choose to make the normal races represent the various Romano-Celtic tribes, pretty much united after the Imperial Rule. The monster races, which I give the catch all name of "Orkin" represent the invading tribes, particularly the Germanic tribes. In the game, the orkin are made up of Orcs, goblin, hobgoblin, gnoll and such like. Tribal creatures seeking new lands, slaves and the like. They have been united under the banner of religion.


Dwarves, elves and the like are longer lived than humans so I made the Imperial Rule last around a thousand years longer. This was to ofset the longevity of the races and allow for a logical amount of time to pass so that things which "aught not to be forgotten, were forgotten." This also allows for anachromisms. AD&D is mediaeval-centric and certain weapons, armour and even equipment would not have existed during the dark ages. However, as a Fantasy game with fantasy races, some lee way can occur. For instance there has been a pirate captain who crews what was clearly a Viking ship, I've allowed dwarves to develop plate armour and heavy crossbows are also allowed. Many new weapons have been invented by the gnomes who are allied to the orkin. Repeating crossbows, quick firing siege weapons, even flame throwers are some of these weapons which face the heroes fighting the invaders.

I wanted to do something a little different for the Orkin races rather than have them as dumb monsters, have them well organised and above all well led and well provisioned. The two main weapons I have introduced have their roots in history. The repeating crossbow is based on designs seen at the Royal Armouries in Leeds who have several examples from the Orient. I've just made them heavier, a little more bulky and able to change "magazines" whilst offsetting their accuracy.

As mention elsewhere on the site, I made the Isles quite a religeously tolerant place. This again has it's basis in history. Pre-christian Britain had a pantheon of major gods and lots of local deities. People were free to worship whatever deities they wished and temples and shrines were often dedicated to more than one deity at a time. The coming of christianity changed all that. I have often wondered how the people of Britain viewed that change and this forms the basis for Elsipha and his often fanatical worshippers. Like Pratchett, I find it amusing that so much religion is based on human (usually one human at that) interpretation of what a god is reputed to say on how you should live your life. If Elsipha is ever freed it remains to be seen if he is the Dark God he is being painted by certain of his followers, or if he has been just misunderstood. Terry Pratchett's "Small God's" provides much of the inspiration for how religion is dealt with in the Isles. I'll admit the Imprisoned God scenerio is pretty cliched but I wrote that for the table top version of this game which was played several years ago. Then it was more about discovering what had occurred in the past, doing the infamous "Godswar" which had nearly destroyed the world. I had originally tied that into another fascination of mine - legends of Atlantis. The Isles were the last remenant of that fabled land, hence the reason the action was taking place there.

Another element which makes up the game concept is Athurian Myths and Legends. I've been fascinated with these for years. However, I didn't want to base a game on King Arthurand his knights per se. I thought that would be too predictable. I also wsn't interested in the later Romances made up about him, but the earliest, Celtic based legends. AD&D is all about heroes and the quests they go on, well, I decided that the Thirteen Treasures of Britain would make an ideal epic quest. Tie them up with a quest for the (lost) High King's Heir, throw in a few prophecies to make sure the heroes would have an idea, tie those in with the Atlantian Legends, an invading army and a new religion which seeks to turn the world on it's head. Bake for a few years sometimes under immense pressure and this game is what you get.

Inspiration has come from many places. Obviously, I am inspired by the myths and legends I've read from numerous sources. Stephen Lawhead, Terry Pratchett and David Gemell are three authors who have also nudged me certain ways in the way I think and write. Also possibly Michael Moorcock, is also instrumental in shaping my thoughts, particulary in my teen years. Weis and Hickman and Raymond E. Feist should also be mentioned, I guess. In the last few years however, my greatest inspiration has come from my players. Without their enthusisism and input, this game may have folded a long time ago. Yeah sure some players and characters have come and gone, but each has added something to the game, be it just a tiny bit of humour or drama to a full blown character class. I deem myself lucky that I have had very few munchkins, powergamers, rules lawyers or any other type of problem player a DM may come across. When they have cropped up, they have faded away pretty fast. I put that down to they themselves realising they were simply outclassed and leaving things alone.

And then there are the players - the game has been running for too many years for me to contemplate and as such the game and indeed the Isles themselves have evolved. From languages to classes, Gods to races, plots and ideas - the majority of the players who have visited these shores have left their mark.I seem to have been blessed by good and decent players and the longevity of the game has a lot to do with them - past amd present I salute you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Anyhow, feel free to take a look around. Alot of this is still under construction but it's slowly getting built. A bit like Rome, it's not being done in a day.

ChrisC - DM

Puzzles to Solve.....

  • This game is not all combat orientated, there are plenty of opportunities to for puzzle solving of all sorts.
    I don't just mean solving riddles but through interaction wth inhabitants, places and items.

People to Meet....

  • The Isles is a vibrant place. It's inhabitants have their own lives, their own agenda's and one person's actions will influence and have an effect on other peoples lives. How you interact with others in the game will affect how you are percieved in the Isles in general.

Places to Visit....

  • Come in an explore all the places the Isles has to offer. From the peninsula known as the Dragon's Tail in the South west with it's rugged coastline and open morrs to the far northern mountains, home of the beasts known as Dragons, the Isles has a varied landscape dotted with towns and cities.


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